Q: Can I build my own photography package a la carte?
A: No we do not offer a la carte pricing. Additional options can be added to a package but not taken away.
However, if you reach out and tell us your goals and budget we can find the package that is perfect for you.

Q: Do you have a photography studio?

A: Yes! When you book with us you will have the option of shooting outside in natural light, on location (usually a public park or something similar), in a venue of your choosing, or in our photography studio with controlled lighting and large variety of backgrounds.

Q: Can I choose the session location?
A: Yes, as mentioned above, we are happy to choose a location for you based on your session goals, or you can book your own venue. In this instance we ask that you clear the venue with us before the session is booked so that we can confirm that space and lighting conditions are appropriate to meet your needs. Note: It will be your responsibility to cover all venue rental fees and to obtain proper photography permits before day of session.

Q: Are you willing to travel for a session?
A: Yes, our home base is in Nashville TN but we love to travel. In this instance an additional fee will be required to cover airfare, and accommodations for both the photographer and an assistant.

Q: How far locally are you willing to travel for a session?
A: Anywhere within 40 miles of our home base in Nashville TN. If shoot location exceeds this distance, an additional fee will be required to cover gas expenses.

Q: Where can I use my photos?
A: Anywhere! You will receive a signed release form along with your photos giving you permission to print and post wherever you please. We kindly ask that you tag @Brandonglobalphoto when posting to social media.

Q: Can I have my raw images?
A: No. Brandon Global Photography does not provide Raw images. However we work with you to provide a development you are please with. Please familiarize yourself with our portfolio in order to know what to expect pertaining to style/development.

Q: What if I have to cancel the session?
A: If you cancel before 48 hours prior to your session, the 50% deposit can be applied to a future session if re-booked immediately. However, if you cancel within 48 hours prior to event you forfeit the 50% deposit.

Q: What if the photographer cancels the session?
A: It is very rare that we have to cancel a session, but in that instance we would work hard to reschedule your session and the 50% deposit you paid would be applied to the rescheduled shoot. However, if you choose not to reschedule, or are not able to, you will receive the 50% deposit back in full.

Q: How soon can I expect to receive my photos?
A: Usually within 2 weeks.
First, you will receive a link to view your images online within 7 days of your shoot, this will allow you to select the photos you want to be retouched. (These will not be the finished photos) Once you have confirmed your retouch photos, you will receive a file share link within 7 additional days containing all of your finished photos!

Q: Will I get every photo that we take?
A: Possibly but not necessarily, Though most shots will be included, the nature of photography is creativity and experimentation, some ideas just don’t turn out.

Q: What should I bring to the session?
A: Only yourself and the outfits/accessories needed to make your vision come to life. It’s a great idea to have water, and more options than you think you need for outfits/accessories in case one doesn’t look right on camera.

Q: Can I bring a friend to the session?
A: It’s okay to have a friend or relative along to assist with your hair/makeup, however we ask that friends and family refrain from offering creative critique and/or direction.

Q: How soon will I get my 35mm photos back?
A: Heads up that 35mm film typically takes about two weeks to develop before they can be viewed or edited. But you will receive a file share link with a digital version of your film photos when the development is finished (usually three weeks after the shoot: two weeks to develop, one week to edit).

Don’t see your question answered here? Feel free to reach out via the contact form with any additional questions. We can’t wait to work with you and bring your photography vision to life!